Did You Say Something?

Episode 1 - VO Chaos With Tommy and Carlo

Conor Lewis and Mat Mangum / Tommy Estrada and Carlo Season 1 Episode 1

Episode 1 of Did You Say Something, hosted by Mat Mangum and Conor Lewis.

We're joined on our first episode by Tommy Estrada and Carlo to talk all things Voice Over and cause some chaos. Learn about what we're up to, what brought us into the world of Voice Acting and what we've got coming up, with some laughs along the way.

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Title music - Tear You Down by Spencer Mackenzie Brown
Artwork by CelticBlue2You
Editing and Producing by Jake

Contact us at dysspodcast@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you!


The worst bit is I haven't even been recording him yet because I know anything before this point is just, like, unusable. Now we can start the show because we'll be able to get somewhere. Welcome to Did You Say Something, the variety show

Speaker 2:

Who's the bigger idiot now, Conor? You're like, Hey, Carlo, you should totally join. Yeah, whose mistake was that? Your own, sir.


Welcome to Did You Say Something, the variety podcast that changes it week on week. But one thing that is guaranteed. I am your host Connor Lewis, he's your other host Matt Mangum, and this week we have the questionable talents of Tommy, But, uh, I mean, whatever they can do is gonna be better than what he can do. So, anyway, Matt, a little bit about you, please.

Speaker 3:

Uh, and it starts from our illustrious, uh, leader, self appointed, uh, here. Thank you, Connor. Yes, I'm Matt Manningham. Uh, I am a voice actor, uh, amongst, uh, a lot of other things. Right. Part of Google or biscuit productions, animated comics, this podcast, and a narration of books and other character works that you will be seeing soon. Lover of comic books, obviously. And a partner, friend of Connor acquaintance that just puts a bad taste in my mouth. Acquaintance totally works. Uh, this is, this is a business venture, not a friendship venture here. Um, so we don't have to like each other for this to be successful. And that's why we're not friends. All right. So this is a professional setting and coming soon to you team, team Connor, team Matt, uh, stickers and merch, just so you know, so you can, uh, which is definitely not him.


100 percent me all the time. You do not stand a chance in any competition. Any? I got none. How about the facial

Speaker 3:

hair growing one, Connor? Me versus you.


You might beat me

Speaker 3:

just on the facial hair. Just? I think you've been growing that for six months, and that's the length that we're at right now. Six years. All right, so if you guys have not guessed yet, uh, this, this podcast is about all the chaotic fun, as Connor was saying in our, in our intro, and we love to absolutely give each other as much crap as possible. Uh, that is our love language. Our guests are not, um, You know, they can't hide from that. It's definitely gonna happen. They know what they signed up for. They are not safe. Here they are anyway.



Speaker 3:

only way


to get Matt and I to stop going at each other is to have other people to direct it at. That's why we invite guests. Otherwise it would be an hour of us just back and forth destroying each other and going for the throat.

Speaker 3:

Which may or may not be in a future episode.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

uh, we was just It's just an episode of me and Giga, now fuck you. So on that note, uh, so we are going to go ahead and bring in our first guest. Uh, this person, uh, is, you know, questionable as Connor had said, uh, his name is Carlo, uh, he definitely talks too much, uh, and so we're going to try to keep that at a minimum here. I mean, really the show's about us, not, not Carlo, so it's fine.


No, it's our show, but you know, we got to keep the variety go in and make people feel involved because we bring each other with us as we get, you know, ascend the ladder of, of success,

Speaker 3:

uh, allegedly is the word that we'd like to use is, is allegedly. And speaking of here is Carlo, Carlo, welcome to the disc podcast. How are you good, sir?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm just magical on this fantastical day of the year.


And it is a fantastical day of the year for you, because it is your birthday. Yes, one more year closer to death.

Speaker 6:

Yes, you're

Speaker 2:



Well done. Thanks for you think this show is going to be anything special to do with your birthday, get fucked. You're not special, nobody cares.

Speaker 4:

Well, I appreciate

Speaker 2:

it, you fucking pogue.

Speaker 3:

Uh, you know what? Don't, don't, don't listen to Connor. He's, Jesus, man. There's no, no coup. It's just, you know, whatever. I know the Ritz. They're still mad about the team in Boston. You know, yeah, where he's born from. Uh, I do see, Carlo, that you and I thought the same today, so I automatically have the first team member. Uh, Carlo is team Matt.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

team Red. There. It's, I have a feeling Tommy's wearing glue. We have no idea. We'll find out a little bit later. It is a special day for Tommy's, Tommy Glue, I would like to say looks so planned. I would like to say, uh, Carlo, all joking aside, it's about one of the only times we'll be serious with you. Uh, birthday. Good, sir. Uh, we love you.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you so much. I'm, I'm so glad to be that. Thank you. Thank you. No, I'm, I'm, I'm glad to be a part of this community. Uh. You know, it keeps me going as

Speaker 3:

it does us. And, uh, I will say, uh, I'm liking the facial hair coming back. Thank you. Like, I look forward to having that, uh, phenomenal mustache back. Cause that was when I, yes, no, that is, that is

Speaker 2:

for sure. It was like the only endearing thing about

Speaker 3:

you. I

Speaker 2:

know, I know, and it's the only spot on my face that doesn't grow gray yet.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of times in this show that Connor and I are gonna wish that we could just mute the other, um, apparently that's the best thing. I'm shocked you haven't yet. Connor, shut up. Uh, anyway, so, just, thank you. Fair enough, understood. Uh, I do like, do like those liquid deaths. Uh, I did try that, I tried that flavor, that is not my favorite flavor. I did find out that I like, uh, water flavored water.

Speaker 2:

Water flavored water? Yeah, get out of town with that. You got the rum in there. You know. Bill's in for some interesting

Speaker 3:

uh, from Dennis Litter, you're right.

Speaker 2:

Who was it that said, uh, I don't drink water? Is it, uh, Oscar Wilde says, I don't drink water. Fish fuck in it.

Speaker 3:

Uh, Carlo. So, uh, amongst, we know some things have changed. Uh, I know that you got a new day job, which is fantastic. I know that was good for you for scheduling and all that. And that's, that's been a little bit of a change from, from the previous job. So how's the, You were saying that the, are the muscles used to, to the physical labor yet or are you still Are you still suffering?

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you what, after driving a street sweeper for four years straight and then going right into a hard labor, slinging iron and all kinds of nonferrous metals on top of that, uh, I've never felt more my age than I do now. I felt like my body could pass for 30 up until three weeks ago. Uh, everything is, you know, all the kinks are worked out. It's just my knees are really taking the brunt of it. Just like, uh, when I worked in showbiz. Ah,

Speaker 3:

well, I tell you, uh, you're looking absolutely phenomenal. Uh, absolutely phenomenal for 72. So I do have to say, I'm very proud of getting out there in the workforce and that kind of thing. You don't look a


day over 80.

Speaker 2:

Right. Well, to be, to be fair, I, uh, working in the, uh, I I'm only 27, but I've been in retail for like two years. So, I mean, look at this face.

Speaker 3:

27, 27 is a reach and a half. That salt and pepper goat and just, uh, tell me that, tell me something different. No,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

refuse. Now, going around the other hand, uh, looks like he's 12. So that's fine. Um, grows, grows a beard like he's 12 too. All right. So it's not a compliment. Uh, you look like, like a 16 year old, 12 year old.

Speaker 2:

Someone put a wig on a sucker that rolled around in dog hair.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Carla. Not too long, but Fred. Uh, so, um, uh, as we always like to do, uh, and we know that, uh, you were on a bit of a hiatus a little bit from doing some family issues and then now and things going on. Now you're back. Yeah. Uh, strong booth in, you got a camera that faces your face, which is just phenomenal. Oh man.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you about it. It was kind of awkward watching a video like this. I am actually like, I was looking at your faces, but I'm doing a side profile for my jail picture. There we go. I mean, it was immersive, at least. Yeah. Nothing breaking the immersion on that one. I'm literally next

Speaker 6:

to you. This is brilliant.

Speaker 2:

Right? Yeah. No, I mean, it worked out. I hope. No, we have to scrap the whole thing. Who had to scrap everything from Carla, just scrap it all. It's like Carla wasn't a guest on that one.


You have no idea how right you are.

Speaker 3:

We, there, there may have been a person or two that we did. We did, you know, you know, that wasn't going to work out for us. Uh, mainly Dennis, but, um, so we need, uh, Carla. What I need to know is what are the future aspirations? We know that you've done some things in the past, uh, with voice acting, but with this new kind of approach and new, uh, into it, are you directing yourself towards narration, character acting, commercials, uh, everything? What's, what, what kind of tickles your fancy right now?

Speaker 2:

Well, there's quite a bit that tickles my fancy, but as far as voiceover, I'm, I'm open to a lot of things, uh, just like in life, uh, you know, when the dating scene, I'm just happy to be here. Um, When it comes to voiceover, uh, I wouldn't mind doing commercials. I wouldn't mind doing, um, uh, what I'd really love to get into is, uh, audio dramas would be cool. Um, uh, audio book narration would also be on top of my list because my hours has shifted. I haven't been able to spend as much time with you guys. During the day where normally I would get off at one o'clock and now I get off. I don't get home until like around 5 30 and then it has, uh, move on to making dinner. And then after that, everybody knows what happens after dinner, uh, the sweet, sweet embrace of sleep.

Speaker 3:

Yes, the couch tends to consume us in our older years after a good meal. Uh, sitting down is definitely the defeat of us all, right? You look for you're like, I shouldn't sit down.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly. And

Speaker 3:

then we wake up at five o'clock in

Speaker 2:

the morning,

Speaker 3:

not that that's

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

or less, I'm looking at stuff like, uh, audio dramas, something that I can spend some time in at night and then I'll work myself into audio book narration. Uh, you know, the ultimate dream would be doing trailers, but. You know, we'll see how it goes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I know you did, uh, you did a pretty cool trailer, uh, for our good friend, Tanya, uh, interview show. I love that trailer. Um, and, and I've seen some of the other stuff that you've done. So I think trailers would be really good right up your alley. I really think fake movies. Yes, yeah, yeah, thank you, I was gonna bring that up. Scooby Doo and Robocop. Yeah, yeah, there's been some pretty funny ones. I think all of them I would have to watch, just based on principle of the

Speaker 2:

premise of those things. As a child of the eighties, I would just immerse myself into a RoboCop, uh, and Scooby Doo. Yeah, absolutely. It would work.

Speaker 3:

So I'm looking forward to more of those. I know you don't have as much time, but man, those come out. Those are hilarious. I appreciate that. Um, and, and I, I've heard you do, and I've been a part of some of your serious, more serious projects, right? Um, and I like to be serious. And, uh, oh, oh, oh yes, uh, we, we've talked, uh, before about Bennett Smith, um, and, and that little series that, that turned into a lot more than what it was intended to be.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Uh, which I think was really cool for the, uh, for the VO, VO community, right? It got all of us involved and it was nice to see Uh, something on a drama level that was different drama, right? It was more realism. It was a lot of like, you imagine where this guy's at, what's happened, and what your attachment is to him. And I love, I love how you left it open to everybody's interpretation so we know, you know, Jared did his, uh, brother in law, we did, uh, you know what I mean? Some people did his kid, his, his wife, his, his mom, uh, which, which. Which yes, more from Babs later for sure. So, um, there's, there's a lot of cool audio dramas out. Uh, I do know some of our friends have been a part of some like the Strata. Um, and then of course the Hellscape, uh, many different audio dramas within the Hellscape, which we love. Um, so yeah, I think, uh, Maybe in the future, you could do a Bennett Smith audio drama,

Speaker 2:

maybe, maybe I would definitely need to get a co writer in just because of the level of focus I have is, uh, you know, I do love that series very much. And I know that I have some huge fans of it, which I am grateful for. And yeah, I did leave it open ended. Um, it's, uh, you know, like in filmmaking, they say the less that you see the monster in the shadows, the more your imagination runs away with it. So, you know, you can make something more scary or more impactful when you kind of put yourself in that seat. Like what happened to that person or where are they, you know, where are they going? Is there still something coming for them? You know, it allows the person watching or listening to kind of, like you said, let your imagination run away with you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's, uh, I think it's a really cool premise, and I think that, um, just based off that alone, I would, I would be very curious as to, uh, what other ideas and things like that, that your, that your mind could come up with, because you do think about things from a slightly bit different perspective. different angle than most things that I've seen. So it's, and I think that's what appealed about Bennett. And I know I bring it up a lot, but it was just so impactful to me, uh, as a right, as a piece of writing that I was like, I, I really enjoyed the way that this is going and would like to see other stories and other genres and stuff like that. And, and we'd love to see you, uh, kind of feed the community more characters. You know, and things to work with and in turn, hopefully feed yourself work, right? You know what I mean? To, to, to get yourself a lot of work. Cause that's part of what Connor and I do here. Uh, very not, uh, often that we take things very seriously here at DISS, but, uh, promoting each other in this community and, and, and helping uplift each other is 100 percent why, uh, are a big. Chunk of why we do this and it's a lot to have fun and all that, but we really love to see Our friends and colleagues prosper and do better. So if this is a medium that they can do that on great I almost threw up


just saying that We want to bring everybody with us on our way to the top

Speaker 2:

Um, and a real quick side, uh, with the, the Bennett Smith series, the reason why it's difficult to write is that when I started it, it came from a place, like I've said many times where I was feeling, you know, uh, an island apart from everyone else. Um, you know, dealing with, you know, all these major issues and having people around and I can talk to them, but I still feel like I was isolated. Being able to do the letters, that was, like, when I saw that opportunity to have other people join in, I just pushed forward. I, you know, I didn't have any dialogue in the connecting video because I wanted them. to give me, you know, the feelings and emotions that they had, you know, either help process that for them or, you know, to really show what they have in them. And I, there were so many beautiful ones that were done, especially Babs. Just if you guys don't get the chance or haven't had the chance, check out my profile. I'm sure we'll spout it out at the end. But, uh, Babs was a tearjerker.

Speaker 3:

It was a lot, but that's a lot to talk about. Even now, uh, Babs really, really captured the moment there. Um, I think, I think the beauty of Bennett Smith, I guess, from what, from your comments just now, Carlo is, I think it really helped you process as well. Um, and then, and then let you know that other people can relate to those feelings. And even though it might be in their own interpretation, we still can understand each other on different levels, right. Um, with the same content, contextual stuff. So I, I don't know. Yeah, I don't, I, It was a huge deal and it was really good. Um, and then also, you know, it just shows your range, uh, as an actor to be able to, you know, go from something from Bennett Smith all the way, you know, to just, to some of the goofiness that we've all been able to, to experience with you in some of the more personal conversations, uh,

Speaker 4:

the hilarity

Speaker 3:

where. Where we would like to, we would like to bring more of that out. So I'm sure that I'm sure Conor's got ideas, uh, later on in the show to, uh, to expose the hilarity, uh, of our guests as he is a maniacal, uh, evil genius in ways.

Speaker 5:



Sometimes, sometimes

Speaker 3:

evil smart kid. A genius is a strong


word. You know what? Yeah. Genius was building it up too much. Even smart kid with potential. Just

Speaker 2:

slightly below average.



Speaker 7:



yeah, yeah. Still, still

Speaker 3:

two steps ahead of Matt. Now, speaking of, uh, uh, an average, we're gonna go two steps, way above average, right? And, uh, we need to bring our next guest in. Oh, not me. Uh, this, this next guest is, is, I know Carlo. I know we have to do it. It's protocol, I mean. I'm helping gotta have you here. Uh, so we're, we're going to bring our next guest, uh, Tommy Estrada, uh, another amazing voice actor that we know. Uh, one of those guys, uh, that just really ticks Connor and I off because we believe that we have really good impressions and then Tommy comes in and he's like, I'm Disney. Yay. It gives a fuck. Uh, and that's how that works, but, but, but he's really good at it. Um, and Oh God, he's here. So now you gotta say more nice things. Uh, Tommy does a really good job in, in all the projects that he's a part of. Uh, he's, uh, wears his headphones wrong, uh, but it's a cool style. And, uh, He's he's got Deadpool behind him. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, that's it. Tommy. That's that's it right there All right Enough of the crap tommy welcome to dis uh in all seriousness. We are happy and honored to have you here, sir Uh, how are you today?

Speaker 8:

Uh, i'm absolutely before you start blue t shirt It is technically blue. I told

Speaker 3:

you it was gonna be wearing a blue T-shirt. I knew it. It's technically blue. Um, I freaking knew it and on my screen we're all lined up how it should be. It's great indeed. Yeah.

Speaker 8:

The good side and, and the red side.

Speaker 3:

I've got diagonal the shit and, and the, and the, and the less shit. Okay. Okay. Is on this side. That's just hold this up for the show. This is.

Speaker 8:

I didn't want to say that, but if you guys want to claim, I mean, how are you? I'm great. It's already chaotic guys. What, what's going on, man? Oh, yes. Uh, I'm having a blast already.

Speaker 3:

I know you got to sit and be in the back and listen to the, to the nonsense up to this point, which is great. Um, any, any thoughts on, uh, how big of a piece of crap Connor is?

Speaker 8:

Oh, I, I believe he is the I believe that Connor is not only the biggest deal. I'm not gonna say, I'm not gonna I'm not calling him a piece of crap. What's wrong with you, man? What's wrong with you?


Look at, look at this

Speaker 8:



And this was the only time Tommy was ever on the show, because clearly he didn't fucking understand. Tommy.

Speaker 8:

What? Jesus

Speaker 3:

Christ. Do you know what we do here?

Speaker 8:

I don't know what's going on.

Speaker 3:

This is him! I have heard you say very not nice, and it's me! You have to say nice things?


Fine. The stuff you've said to me in private about his fucking beard?

Speaker 8:

I Dude! That gold! That was in confidence, Connor. I And what about

Speaker 3:

the things that you said to me about his teeth?

Speaker 8:

Hey, hey, I mean, come on, it's, it's not, it's not unknown. All right. That his smile. Oh, look at that smile. It's. Ooh. Um, I mean, uh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Hey, we're not ready for her yet.

Speaker 8:

I'm so sorry. She's starting to come out a little bit.

Speaker 3:

All right. Now we are not ready for the chaos yet. I do, I do have some, some actual, uh, interview questions for you. Tell me before we get into this nonsense. So, uh, Tommy, I actually have not heard your, uh, origin story, as they say, as a voice actor. So how, how did you get into this, uh, and, and all the good stuff that comes with that?

Speaker 8:

Well, like, like many voice actors, I have always been interested, uh, growing up, loving cartoons, loving how they're made and, um, watching people like Robin Williams recording like for Genie or many other characters. Jim Cummings doing Absolutely. Almost everyone from my childhood,

Speaker 3:

every voice, every voice, um,

Speaker 8:

being able to pick it out at a young age. When I watched the lion King, I actually knew that Jim Cummings saying that really small part in scar song. Um, everyone was like, nah, you're wrong. You're wrong. That's that's, that's Pete.

Speaker 9:

He's singing it. I swear.

Speaker 8:

Um, so I, I've always had kind of a good ear. I've had, I have music background as well. Um, but, uh, I never really stepped into voice acting until around the pandemic time, like, like a lot, like a lot of people that are still, um, uh, in the beginning parts of their journey. Um, but, uh, yeah, I got on TikTok, um, and I started seeing people putting out like, uh, do you want to be a voice actor? Duet my challenge videos and, um, some of them were fun. Wow, those guys are the worst. Absolutely, like, I don't know, I don't want to say who. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Um. Carlo. Oh, oh. Oh, dear. Look at, look at it. It's cause he's on the lovely gestures. Thank you. I


appreciate those. Thank you.

Speaker 9:

He's just saying you're number one. Sorry, Tommy. Continue saying you're number one.

Speaker 3:

Number one. So pretty safe to say, um, a lot of, a lot of the influence came from cartoons at Disney and, and, uh, kind of just exhibiting that stuff as a child yourself. And then you keep going. Cause I know that you are a singer, so I know that you've been singing the songs probably pretty much your whole life. I think, uh, always singing Disney songs and you're pretty good at them. Um, getting them and you, and I will say your knowledge is insane because you, you are like a Disney Rolodex. Like I, I. Like, we could pretty much ask you anything, or any song, or who sung that, or what movie is that in, or down to the minutes and seconds. Uh, cause you have no life other than to study Disney things, um, and know them extensively. You should have a master's, uh, uh, in Walt's school by now.

Speaker 8:

Uh, I am a, uh, Master at Disney songs. Uh, I will not know a lot of Disney trivia, like specific names of anyone. Uh, I'm really horrible at names. Uh, I just, I filled my hard drive up here with, uh, Carlo, you are insanely distracting.

Speaker 2:

Am I, am I, you know, the thing is, is that, uh, It has nothing to do with your face. The

Speaker 3:

lives that I've been a part of, I, I've been

Speaker 2:

called the derailer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I can see that because the shit you are doing on your screen while I'm trying to have a serious conversation with Tommy is just ridiculous. Connor doesn't help, but he's just a child and that's the thing, he can't help but give into it. Right? It's like the bad kids at the kid table, one starts, they all start, the parents start yelling, right? And then it bursts out into a Disney

Speaker 2:

song. Well, when you get a bell end like Connor. I mean, do you need a booster seat, by the way? I've got one, thanks. So, Connor, I know you're a bit younger, but we used to have these things called phone books, and we used to get Old people and very young people to sit on them. I might have one. I might have one. You probably do. You fucking dinosaur.

Speaker 3:

I'm enjoying this, Carlo. Keep going. This is great. You can go to the show. This abuse of Connor, I'm here for it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

mean, you know, so

Speaker 2:

much time has passed. You know, I just had to catch up a little bit.


That's fair.

Speaker 2:

But it


is overdue. It's been a while.

Speaker 8:



have I gotten myself into? Boring and working like a weirdo. Sorry, Tommy, what was that?

Speaker 8:

I said, what have I gotten myself into? Oh, what have you not gotten yourself into yet?

Speaker 3:

You knew exactly what you were getting into. You knew exactly what you were getting into. Remember, you wanted this. So Tommy, who is your go to? And I think I might know it, but if you have like your absolute go to Disney character you've gotta go BAM. BAM. You have to do the impression now. Who

Speaker 8:

is my

Speaker 3:


Speaker 8:

my absolute, you think, you know, but you have no idea. No, you do know it's, it's my Goofy. Absolutely. Love it. All right. Number two, my number two. Ooh, um, uh, uh, uh, I don't want, I don't want to take it from you. That's, that's the only thing. Uh, uh, I, I, uh, we'll do, uh, we'll go ahead and do it. It's, it's his

Speaker 3:


Speaker 8:


Speaker 3:

That's my only voice. You don't, nope. Excuse me. Not on my show. You get the hell out of here. You see, that's what I'm talking about. I have like one impression that I can do really well, right? Like, like I try to do other impressions. I have one that I can do really well. Tommy comes in, he's like,


Kind of well.

Speaker 3:

Shut the fuck up.


That's what that is.

Speaker 3:

I actually think. Hey, uh, Connor. You have a marvelous archer. Oh, zero. Oh, okay. Uh, I appreciate that. Carl, the archer, the archer's not bad.


To be fair, your archer, yeah, your archer was pretty good. Yeah, I can't fault you on that one.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you that, well, the hard part about Archer and John H. Benjamin is my voice is not far off of his voice anyway, just naturally speaking, so it wasn't too hard to tweak that. Boring? Yes.

Speaker 5:

Danger zone!

Speaker 3:

Yes. Thank you, Carlo. Um, so, uh, Outside of Disney, Tommy, what are some of the voices you enjoy doing?

Speaker 8:

Ooh, um, outside of Disney, it would have to be, uh, one of my favorite villains, actually. Um, I could do a pretty decent Mark Hamill Joker. I think, uh, Okay. Oh, would you like me to do it now? Obviously. Obviously, okay. That's how this works. I mean, it's all

Speaker 2:

Disney right now, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

It's all Disney. Ooh. Disney owns the world, but we're gonna differentiate for now. Yes. Well,

Speaker 9:

well, well. If it isn't old Matty.

Speaker 3:

Yep. I dig it. Looks good. Uh, Yep. I dig it. I like that laugh. You got the man The The very maniacal Joker in there. Oh, just wait. I think all of our favorite I mean, Mark Hamill's number one. Right? Uh, best Joker ever. Oh, 100%. 100%. Hands down. And in the animated series. Uh, the original that we watched when we were kids. Hey, uh, so, Connor, there was this cartoon, When


it comes to Batman, Don't No. Shut the fuck up when it comes to Batman. Do not insult me. Do not fucking insult me, when it comes to So anyway, there's

Speaker 3:

this vigilante guy, uh, and then they made a cartoon of it, uh, back here, you know, in the states, it was on


So much better. I'm sorry to do it to you this early, Matt, but, just had to mute him, cause he was going off on one. Absolutely, I mean, it's, it's blue time, right? It's

Speaker 8:

team blue.

Speaker 2:

100, 100% team blue. Excuse me. Let's see if we can pull this guy back in here. Uh oh. Oh, he's leaving Yeah. Well, well you, the leader of the red team just left. Makes a lot of sense.


The worst bit is he's back. I can't seem to unmute him. genuinely. Oops. Matt, I can't

Speaker 3:

unmute you buddy. You know I can you a piece of garbage and. Piece of garbage. Uh, I'm going to question you on that. Uh, I would, I would, uh, I would put my Batman knowledge up against your Batman knowledge, Conor.

Speaker 2:

Batman off,

Speaker 7:

Batman off,

Speaker 3:

Batman off. That was almost bad. That was almost bad. Mmm. There you go, Tommy. There you go. I watched the realization happen. That was good. Uh, no. So, uh, I do love Joker. I do love Mark Hamill. Um, just fantabulous. And then him, him offset of, uh, Conroy was probably one of my favorite duos. in animation. Conroy and Hamill playing off of each other were, were just amazing. Just, yes, chef's kiss. Exactly, Connor. So good. Um, um, and I've, so maybe, Tommy, we have a few, uh, collaborations we need to do. So we need to do a Kronk and Yzma, because you do Kronk, but your Yzma is also perfect. Pretty damn good and spot on. Pull the lever,

Speaker 9:

drunk! Wrong lever! I don't even know why we have that lever.

Speaker 3:

Hey Spock, put your

Speaker 4:

hands up!

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's, uh, It's so good, and then I think we also need to do a Batman and a Joker, because I do have a very horrible attempt at a Conroy Batman that I have done.


I'm very interested right now, actually. Uh, no no, no no, that's how this show works.

Speaker 3:

This show works how the both of us say it works, and


I'm saying Literally your words when Tommy said, Oh, I've got to do it now, and you went, Yep, that's how this works.

Speaker 9:

Mommy and daddy are fighting right now.

Speaker 2:

I was just about to say that. Maybe we should go to the mall. Kids, go to your room. He's mom.


I can't, I want to argue, but I do get the feeling you do. Martial arts experience. Uh, yeah, you probably, probably have me.

Speaker 3:

All right, uh, I don't know. Uh, let me think. Conroy. I need a line. I, I don't like the, the, the, the stereotypical, like, I am the knight, all of that. Everybody does that, and it's hard, because that was a very intense Conroy. That's a hard voice to get to. I'm fucking Batman, I am. Two, right? That did not help. I had it. I was just about to do it. Then I got that shit. Shut up, Reggie.

Speaker 2:

I'm Batman, you bellend.

Speaker 4:

Boy, you cunt. I am badgered. Aye, from the nine. Aye. Uh, Batman? I'm,

Speaker 2:

uh, I'm Batman.

Speaker 3:

Marvin. The motion 3, 3, 3 space mode. Yes. That stuff. Uh, all that stuff is good. Uh, the Conroy, I don't know. It's, it's, I don't dunno. He's, it's, it's so tough, uh, to mimic that man. Um, and I have the gravel for it, but I'm just nowhere close to him and don't, I mean, obviously I would like to have that, that, you know, what his talent was and all of that, but I will allow Conroy to be the Conroy and be that Batman. And I will, I will continue to have my own version

Speaker 8:


Speaker 3:

that is based off of, or

Speaker 8:

as you said, uh, if you do an impression, I could just come in and do it myself and I could have both. Conroy and Joker

Speaker 3:

so let's hear it Tommy. Let's let's hear your back.

Speaker 2:

Let's hear

Speaker 7:

this. I am Vengeance I am the night. I am Batman There

Speaker 3:

the cadence yeah, I didn't say it was good There's no argument on that it just wasn't bad

Speaker 8:

I'll work on it. I'll show you up One of these days, Mr. Red. We're all waiting, anytime. If you'd like to see my

Speaker 3:

Conroy, head to my TikTok page, Michael Times. All right. So we're going to switch over to Connor. He is going to take over the next portion of the show. Uh, get ready, Carlo and Tommy. I have no idea what he has in store for you, but I know it is, it is chaos and it will be fantastic. So without further ado, uh, our lesser half.


Sorry, you said lesser. I thought you were going to keep talking. No? Okay. Oh,

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry. Did you say something? Oh, there it is. There it is. Hey!

Speaker 9:

Hey! Alright!

Speaker 4:

This guy!


The way this bit's gonna work is we've got We're gonna start a little, uh, series one competition between hosts versus guests. And we'll see, yep, keep finding, you might find talent someday.

Speaker 2:



this guy.

Speaker 8:


Speaker 3:

It's just really grating on the fucking ears.

Speaker 2:

I'm so glad that Connor invited me to join. And it was Connor who sent me the invite.


Oh yeah, I don't

Speaker 2:

like you. Yeah, nobody does.


No, he, he adamantly said, please do not bring him on the show. And of

Speaker 3:

course he did it just to

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Oh yes. Yeah, of course. That's the only reason you're here. That is exactly why I am here. Because I'm Batman.

Speaker 3:

Oh! I like how you, I like how you talked to that mic.


You got real

Speaker 3:

close. And then the Whoa!

Speaker 4:



The other part of this section of the show is going to be, uh, I think we should go with some, uh, famous movie quotes read by other characters. I'm feeling that today. I like it. That could be good fun. So, I'm going to throw it over to my fellow Team Blue. What do you reckon, Tommy?

Speaker 7:

I reckon that, uh, we should go ahead and get this, uh, here competition underway. Show us who the dominant team is. Other than the blue team, of course.


Mm hmm. Feel, I feel like it, obviously I know it's host versus guests, but, just the

Speaker 8:

team blue, I'm feeling it. It's working, it's working. The, the synergy, you feel it? Mm, I feel it. Mm hmm. Oh, I can feel it.


I'm almost

Speaker 2:



I had to.

Speaker 2:

Can you feel it now, Mr.


Krabs? I'm

Speaker 4:

just waiting for Tommy to do what Tommy always does. No.

Speaker 8:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 8:

no. The urge to do my Spongebob.

Speaker 9:

It was his hat, Mr. Krabs! He was number one! He was number one! Of course he was number one as well.


Fuck you. You asked for it. I said no. Yeah, I know. Yeah, that's fair. You

Speaker 3:

already know what's gonna fucking happen. I'm sorry. If you ask him to do it, it's gonna be better than everybody. You're not. Don't be fucking sorry. Shut the fuck up and own your awesomeness. I am awesome.


Yeah, 100%. Be proud of it. I

Speaker 3:

am up. Sorry, I'm probably He's probably got a better optimist than you too, probably. I know,

Speaker 2:

I know the audio listeners, uh, can't see what's going on, but, uh, Connor, you need to pull that out. Thank God when you do your optimist, Brian, Hey, hey, hey. What kind of show are we on? I don't know. That thing's like, like all and whatnot. I think you have to

Speaker 3:

be here.

Speaker 2:

Gigantic single show gigantic gummy worm where.

Speaker 3:

Who did Letterman have? Uh, Paul. It's

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Paul Schaefer. I'm happy to be here. So, Conor, there was a show, a late night show called David Letterman, and, uh, there was this guy with round gold glasses and he was on the computer, but I'd rather be Paul Schaefer than, um, Andy Richter. I'm just saying. Well, Andy Richter did do the voice in, um, King Julian's, uh, Little Minion. Oh, gosh. Tommy's dying over there because he knows the name of it. King Julian! Do it, Tommy. I know you're just dying to do it.

Speaker 8:

That's, uh, that's Mort, I believe, right? Mort! Mort.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 8:

Yes. Uh, I can't do I don't think I've ever tried doing Mort. Uh King Julian

Speaker 2:

Perfect. Spot on. Spot on. All right. First

Speaker 3:

goddamn dry. Jesus. Look this guy You gotta get him outta here. No, king, Julian.

Speaker 8:

I can't do Julian.


I do

Speaker 2:

not like to move it. Move it.


Uh, alright. Connor, back to you. We're gonna play Password, uh, the game where you have one word, you, your partner has to guess the word that you are trying to tell them without you telling them that word. But you can only use one word. Phenomenal explanation.

Speaker 3:

I could use one word? You are going to have a word. You are going to have a word? He starts using hand manners and you're like a dick. There will be a word.


Your partner needs to guess that one word from you, but you cannot use that one word. To describe that one word. It's an association game, basically. So like pyramid pyramid.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. Just like pyramid. Yeah. He's British. I'm sorry. It's I told him this before it's the password game on pyramid. That was 10, 000 pyramid, a hundred thousand dollar pyramid. I he's got to catch up. That's fine. Yes. That's the game. Yes.


Can you explain that? But less American.

Speaker 2:



essentially you take

Speaker 2:

your bollocks in a bottle of water.

Speaker 3:

Oh, wait, there's gonna be a bottle of water. Hey, uh, Carlos. Is it Tuesday, bruv?

Speaker 4:

Is it

Speaker 2:

Tuesday? It is Tuesday! I'm gonna have some spotted dick for dinner! Woah! Maybe get some, uh, Scran! Oh wait, that's Scouse. Nevermind. Sorry, I lumped you in with that.


So you just gotta let him, just let him run it out sometimes. Right. Otherwise it'll, then we can I have, uh, Googled a random word generator, um, and I have generated a random word. I think that's probably the easiest way to do it, rather than feeding words to people.

Speaker 3:

Are you ready? Indeed, sir.


Hot. Sauce? No. They now get to turn out the word, I believe. Is that correct? I believe so.

Speaker 3:

Uh, it's either that or they get their own word. Ooh. But. Uh,

Speaker 8:

I'll tell you what. Let's see.

Speaker 3:

We can have that. No, just let them have a shot at the word.

Speaker 8:

Carlo, do you want to go first as the, uh, guesser? Or would you like me to guess?

Speaker 2:

Um, I'm, I'm, I'm pretty easy going. So, uh, either way. Are you a good guesser?

Speaker 3:

Connor, I muted you and I didn't mean to. I meant I really didn't mean to. I muted myself. I went to mute myself. And I just clicked.

Speaker 2:

That high pitched whining has gone away, though.


Did you say something? Sorry. Tommy, I'm gonna send it to you. Cause you are wearing blue. Hey, that rhymes. Weather.

Speaker 2:

Rain. Cold.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:

Oh. Come on, man. Nice. Nice. Woo!


Beautiful. Uh, have you guys got access I mean, I know you have the internet, but do you want me to just generate a random word for you and send it to you, or are you happy to do that?

Speaker 8:

Yeah, go ahead and do that. I think we can do that.

Speaker 3:

We would assume the people that joined us on the internet have the internet, Connor. We have the internet. I know. Oh, he's doing kamehameha.

Speaker 2:

It's just Carlos


just got a hamster in the corner, running and fucking, for other

Speaker 3:

reasons. Alright,

Speaker 2:

are you ready, Tommy?

Speaker 8:

I'm ready. Ticking. Clock. Boom, baby! That's all you need. Just one, one turn, that's all you need. Okay, alright, let's continue on

Speaker 3:

with password.


Yes, I believe it's your turn for a random word. Unless you want me to, unless you just want to constantly guess. With you, I'm, I am constantly guessing. I've walked right into that one, yep. That's fair. Ah, I set you up. Ah,

Speaker 3:

this one, this is going to be different. This is going to be difficult. Okay. Your word, altered. Hmm.



Speaker 3:

Alright, who am I sending the words?

Speaker 8:

Send it to Carlo, that way I can guess again. What was his word again? I wasn't paying attention. All I saw was red. Ha ha.

Speaker 3:

Okay, Carl,

Speaker 2:

I sent it to you. Was that sent in chat? Uh, that was in, uh, the

Speaker 3:

dis of the cord. Dis of?

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

Dis. Cool. Cause dis is in everything now and it's our dis, not their dis.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 8:

right. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

One new message.

Speaker 8:

There you go. Matt, Matt, could you remind me what was, what was the original clue that you gave?

Speaker 3:

All right. I see.

Speaker 2:

Uh, if you did not pass that

Speaker 3:

clue, then, uh, that is on you. Yeah, it is. That's part of the game. It is.

Speaker 2:

Okay, can I use a name, or it has it can't be a name?

Speaker 3:

Can't you can't do a name, cause that's too That's too easy. I got it. That's way too easy. Alright.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Tommy, you ready? I am gifted. Yes.

Speaker 7:

Hmm. Gifted.

Speaker 8:

Let's go with Special.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Alright. Evolutionary.

Speaker 6:

Ooted. Gifted. Evolutionary.

Speaker 4:

The fuck? Hmm. Uh,


oh my God. I've, I've no fucking clue. We need to, gotta give a guest. Gotta give a guess. Uh, this is where we need like a, a live sound countdown just to, right. I gave you altered, altered,

Speaker 6:

gifted, I gave you evolutionary. Evolutionary

Speaker 3:


Speaker 6:



uh, it's no my mind, uh, There's gotta be a time limit on this. Yeah, I know. I'm trying to think. Um, uh, all words have now left my brain. So that is a non guess. Yeah, we're gonna go non guess.

Speaker 3:

Alright, that's a non guess.

Speaker 2:

Carlo, it's on you. Alright, Tommy. This, this one is gonna be a risk. Okay. Adamantium. Wolverine.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Alright. Since we've gone down that

Speaker 3:

route, Connor, X Men.

Speaker 2:

You can use a hyphenated?

Speaker 8:

I guess we can. Alright. Good to know.



Speaker 8:

it's still


just one word, yeah?

Speaker 3:

Yes. Think of the words that I gave you.

Speaker 6:

Altered. Evolutionary.


Gifted. Adamantium. That's the one that's thrown. Yeah. I already got it. It's not.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

You've got it. I think Tommy's got it. I think Tommy's got it. Yeah, I


think Tommy's got

Speaker 6:

it. Uh. Come on, Connor. Come on. I'm



Speaker 3:

It's right there in your face, mate. Right by the eye. Cyclops? Alright, Carlo, you get to give Tommy another one. Just to cinch this one.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Beast. I'm barely certain he's got it.

Speaker 8:

I'm gonna go with a broader stroke with my guess. Uh, I'm gonna go Mutant.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Mutant was the word. Mutant will accept that, yes. You know, X Men, Gifted, Evolution,


I'll see myself out.

Speaker 3:

Wolverine, Beast, The guests are up. Fuck.

Speaker 8:

Should we cinch it with one more round?

Speaker 3:

Because one of our hosts is down.


So I've done a word. Connor's done a word. I think it's Tommy's turn. I believe it is Tommy's turn. Oh, that is not a word that I want to use.

Speaker 8:


Speaker 3:

Um. Now remember, you are freely able to use stronger language on this podcast. I am. I am. Also,



Speaker 2:

Jack hammered by a table leg.

Speaker 3:

That's a phrase. That's a

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That's a different

Speaker 2:

game. Oh, what is being jack hammered by a table leg? No. Thing. Oh, good lord. What is thing?

Speaker 3:

Who is thing? Who is thing? Why is thing? Why you beat me to it. Good. I

Speaker 2:

got one better for you.

Speaker 3:

I'll do you one better.

Speaker 8:

Why? Okay. Alright. Sorry, Tommy. Go ahead. I got one. Um, commercial

Speaker 2:

advertisement. Uh,

Speaker 8:

can I give this to him? Um, we could start a different word

Speaker 3:

has to be the word it Okay. Gotta be the word. The work is, is in

Speaker 8:

the guess or a

Speaker 3:

type of, or a different iteration of that word. Okay. Yeah.

Speaker 8:

The ad, uh, it was advertised,

Speaker 3:

I mean, yeah. Okay. I would, I would say, yeah. That's, that's probably, that's gotta be close enough, right?

Speaker 6:

Woo! Alright,

Speaker 3:

fine. Let's go for a really easy gimme one. C's get degrees, hell yeah!

Speaker 2:

I swear, it's just, it's really quick. Get some cold cuts. Annoyingly, I


think the guests won. I think so. Knew it all along. We went four rounds? We, we went four rounds. You got my word. I didn't get your word. And they got both of theirs. Yes we did. And they got both of theirs. Shit. Alright. Well, that's one of the guests. Yep. That's the show. Never again. Never again. First and only trial of that.

Speaker 3:

We are out. Alright. That game is now extinguished from channel. Yep.


Until you, until I get better.

Speaker 3:

so you two feel very legendary that you were the first ones to beat the hosts. Oh yes. Yep. We will keep that on record. And never invite you back. No. Never again. Never again. Ever


feels like a regular day in

Speaker 2:

society for me.


Email blocks. Carlos just on day release today. Awards release program right here. The men in the white suits in the, they'll be back. Oh, they're coming to take me

Speaker 3:

away. Congratulations guests. Well done. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



Speaker 3:



like defeat and that's all I have to say on that.

Speaker 3:

So my wife and I, side note. I know we are, we are, we are very old. We'll admit that. And we also don't have tons of TV and movies to catch up on. We have just got into, uh, season eight of Game of Thrones, which I know is 90 years old. But here we are. Uh, and then we are going to watch, uh, fallout, which I hear is just a yes. Fantastic show. Very good. And I'm a fallout player. I love Fallout, so I can't wait to see the show. Uh, everything, just the previous I saw, I was like, it's perfect. It's frickin perfect. It's good. Um, excited for that and then, uh, once we get through that we're gonna start on the because I do have to watch that. So I do have to watch, I gotta see Homelander and all that. You've not. I've not seen the boys. I've not seen the boys. Okay. I know. Trust me. This is a subject that's very touchy. Yep. I understand. That's


fair. Probably the same, it's probably the same as when I say I've not watched Game of Thrones. Genuinely not watched Game of Thrones.

Speaker 3:

That's, isn't that obligatory as a Brit? Yep.

Speaker 11:

Right, guys, I'm Jake, I'm the producer, but there is just something I need to quickly interject here. Watching Game of Thrones is obligatory. Shut the fuck up, Connor. Maybe.


We'll find out when this airs and I get shot.

Speaker 3:

Well, we just went through it in the last couple months, it's pretty good. I dig it, and I don't agree with what everybody has said thus far about the last two seasons, I do not agree at all. So far, I have loved every episode, and I like it. So, is what it is. Also been watching Invincible, if you have not seen that one. All Invincible. My freaking goodness, Invincible is just, it's right up there with X Men 97, which Tommy I know. Oh, I'm all caught up man. Oh boy, X Men 97, that is good. That is a banger. What a series. That is one of the best things I've ever seen. Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Now, I have not seen. It's so good. 97 now. Like, does it have that feeling from when we were kids?

Speaker 3:

A hundred percent. Let's just say that. And they can actually visualize and showcase their powers and the story is even deeper and better. Oh, dude, it, it, it, it starts literally the day after season five ended.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, now I'm

Speaker 3:

gonna have to go way back. Oh, dude, it, trust me. It, it won't ruin your childhood. I thought it was going to as well. And they have exceeded expectations. It's phenomenal. And two more seasons coming. They knew who their audience was.

Speaker 8:

They knew who their audience was, and, uh, that they


grew up. For the final 20 minutes, let's do some of the, uh I've typed in best movie quotes, I have a hundred of them here. Let's redo these, let's show off a little bit, some impressions, some voices, maybe even a re dub of the original if there's quotes in here that we can do impressions of. Who knows? Uh, I think we should start with, it's not really being mentioned too much in this show, uh, and I do feel a little bit bad about that, so, Birthday Boy.

Speaker 4:



Do you want first stab at one of the quotes? Oh, one of the quotes? Dammit.

Speaker 2:

Uh, yes, one of the quotes will be fine to stab. First stab. Beautiful.


Uh, I'll tell you what, I'll give, I'll give you a, I'll give you a pick. Uh, where are you? There you are. Bloop, bloop, bloop.

Speaker 3:

There's some good, fancy computer noises there. Hey. Peep, peep, peep, peep, peep.

Speaker 7:

The future. Neebsorp. Speaking of which. Blerp blerp.

Speaker 2:

Ah, my ear balls. Where, oh, there it is. I was looking right at it. There we go. Oh, it's gone or got, oh wow. Dude, really? Did you, uh You scan those with your ass. They're so blurry. There we go. If


you click on the picture, it fucking

Speaker 2:

renders. Yeah. So you're, you're creating more work for your guests. Hey, you know, I'm starting to feel more like a, uh, all the rent while you guys.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, that just hits all aspects of his life too. Oh man.

Speaker 2:

Uh, Do the Ice King. The Ice King. I forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me of that one. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Gunther, put that down.


Yep. I like it. That works. I'm trying to find Stop texting while you're on a show. No. Who?

Speaker 8:

Yeah, tell me. I see you. I'm pulling this up, so I'm waiting for him. I'm on Discord. Right here. There you

Speaker 2:


Speaker 8:

Trying to make it easy. That's a good

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

God damn it, Tommy, let me give you shit and


fucking take it. Stop coming back with smart ass answers. Stop rationalizing things. How dare you.

Speaker 2:

Stop beating up on


Mother Teresa. Stop outsmarting smat. Smat. Yeah, that's it. Smat. Yep. That's it now. That's a wicked smat.

Speaker 9:

That's smat.



Speaker 8:

Um, alright. Uh, number two? Would you like me to do number two? Uh, you're gonna have to make a paywall. Yeah, you've done


one already in this show, so why not?

Speaker 2:

What? What? It wasn't me. It wasn't me. Stop trying to blame He who smelt it dealt

Speaker 8:

it. My quote. I'ma, I'ma do a character. Okay. Oh, actually, you know, I'ma do an impression. Hey, listen, I'm going to give him an offer that he cannot refuse. Hey!

Speaker 6:

You gotta get that in with any impression.

Speaker 3:

You can't, you can't, you can't do Arnold without it, right?


Very good. Very good, Tommy. Matt, I've sent it to you as well. And what does he do? Did you say something? Did you hear something? Let's try to get as many of those in as we can. Well, yeah. I think any, any, any, any prolonged period, period of s

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

go on.

Speaker 3:

Uh, this is the point in the show, ladies and gentlemen, that we explain that, uh, Connor is, uh, uh, across the pond, if you will, and it is late, and his brain has, um, They left the fucking show. His brain has turned. Typical,

Speaker 2:

typical Matt. You're always giving him a pass. You need to let him crash and burn, man. Always giving that guy a pass. You know what?

Speaker 3:

He's the kind of, he's the kind of kid that needs to wear one of those, uh, uh, on the, uh, the backpack trainers on their kids. And run through the store. It's the fucking leash. The

Speaker 2:

leash, leash kids. Oh gosh.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. We've gotta guide him around a little. Okay, let me get some

Speaker 2:

lost like a third of our demographic. It was really cool until we started talking about leash kids. I used to be one of those. Yeah, we're aware that you have the teddy bear one.

Speaker 3:

I think we're at that. We're at that generation where those those are the young adults. Now, right? What are the leash kids? Matt, did you get the


picture? I sent you

Speaker 3:

probably. I didn't look. You might need to zoom in. Holy shit. See? Uh, let's see. Alright, someone Oh my god. There's so many Are we having to go in order? Or are we just picking? No.


No, pick one. I said

Speaker 6:

pick one. To you both.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just couldn't hear it over the whining. What? Go on. That's just you, buddy. I am li Yeah. No. You have my attention. Go on. Speak your piece. No. Here you go. See?



Speaker 2:




Speaker 10:

Ah, but we kicked you out of


our country. You know. Fucking get over it. Sorry that my history is longer than 300 fucking years. Oh. That was awfully generous. We don't even get taught about that fucking whatever that was. That little blip. That five minutes of our history. We don't get taught it. You don't. And it's like your whole fucking thing. You don't. Anyway, yes, sorry. I'm not sorry. And then

Speaker 2:

and then If


you say hand

Speaker 2:

them one more time dude, where's my country

Speaker 3:

Oh, that was nice. Hmm And

Speaker 5:

then virtual five ask yourself one question do you feel lucky well Do ya? Park? Well done. Yes. Well done. I'm glad I


put my headphones back on. That

Speaker 4:



good. I just saw the quote and I was like, ah, it's gotta be done. Uh, more? More? Yes. Tell me. Yes. Please save us.

Speaker 8:

Now listen here, penny. I have a feeling. Okay. We're not in Kansas anymore. Go. Go. Gadget. Copter.

Speaker 3:

Well done. Yes dude. Well done. Yes. Saw me. You hit Inspector Gadget. That was nice. I mean, it's, it is, that was fantastic.

Speaker 2:

Hot take, hot take, uh, instead of Matthew Broderick Broderick doing the live, uh, version of inspector gadget. Do you know who would have made a spot on inspector gadget? Jim Barney.

Speaker 3:

Maybe, maybe not. I mean, I


don't know who that is. That is the guy who plays

Speaker 3:


Speaker 8:

T. World. To, to you kids. Now he looks like John Cena. All right. So if you could see him,

Speaker 3:

it's pretty accurate. Nice.


I like it. You, you must have, do some more showings off. Go on. It's not often you get to. If you

Speaker 10:

don't understand, I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody. Instead of them. This is what I am. Uh, uh, I'm sorry. Oh, Matt. Gotta break the carbon out of him as well. I'm

Speaker 3:

a drugger, man. I don't think I've ever I'm going

Speaker 6:

Mr. Hat coming up, Mr. Hat. You can do it. It's up

Speaker 10:

to you.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 10:

I said how about you? You like to suck my bugs, Mr. Garrison. Why did you say

Speaker 2:

Look, I'm sorry to, I said I don't hate we're in Kansas anymore. What do you think Mr. Hat? Ooh,

Speaker 3:

that's a good Mr. Garrison. Well done. Really well done. Alright, Conrad, is that you next?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

believe so. I'm

Speaker 2:

Hooper, thanks for asking.

Speaker 3:

You could pull a Zarbon out of that if you knew who that was. That's so cool. Tommy knows who I'm talking about. Right? I do. Team Four Star, baby. Oh, it's almost a George Takai. Oh my. Oh my. Oh

Speaker 6:

my. Uh. Let's go with, uh


This is also a newly discovered impression. So, bear with me.

Speaker 5:

Go ahead, make my day!

Speaker 8:

Little bit of Elmo. Gotta throw a laugh in there, man.

Speaker 3:

It's still got Stitch in there, for sure. Yeah.


We'll just do, uh, we'll just go with Stitch for it then, shall we?

Speaker 5:

Go ahead, make my



Speaker 3:

Yes, very nice. Yes. Adorable. The stitch is, the stitch is good. They're almost there. I think you gotta get the laugh, uh, uh, like, which was just said and then that'll get a good lead in.


That's yep, I'll keep working on it

Speaker 6:

guys. I promise


Anyway Let's go down a whole fucking rabbit hole Was it about the Sugon D's and took on these what these nuts? Hey Damn it

Speaker 3:

Are we going to continue with this, or what would we I've just


seen how long we've been going for. We are coming up to the time that we said we would keep everybody for.

Speaker 3:

Yes sir.


Um, and I think as much as people would be thankful that we've kept Carlo for this long, you know, um, we should probably let him back out into the wild. So, I think we should wrap up with, uh, the special feature, the special request, because that's got to be done. Uh, then Where we can do a little bit of final promo, where to find us, and then you and I can Send these guys packing whilst we actually save the show so Tony. Yes sounds bad. All right Tommy over to you, buddy.

Speaker 9:

Oh My gosh, all right Babsies here Babsies here to save the show. All right corner. Yeah, dreamy Yeah, absolutely dreamy, but I need you to step aside Matt. You stay right where you are sweetheart. Mm

Speaker 4:


Speaker 9:

I love a good beard now Carlo, Carlo, I was told by Tommy, my manager, that it's your birthday. So I wanted to sing you a little song, alright? Very inspired by one of my idols. Marilyn Monroe, be birthday. Oh please. Day to you. It's over. Happy birthday to a you happy birthday. Carlo, who is really Bennett, who is still missing, and I can't wait till he comes back and gives me my hugs and kisses. Happy birthday to you. Oh

Speaker 2:

my goodness, the hair on my arm is raising up. Uh, editor, editor, please cut that and send it to me in raw audio, no mastering. That will put me to sleep every night.

Speaker 3:

I love you, Carlo. Thanks, Babsy.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, Babs. You're marvellous. You

Speaker 3:

made me cry.

Speaker 2:

It's just

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

It's so

Speaker 6:

good. It's so beautiful. Oh,

Speaker 8:

it's just beautiful with you, Babs. Babs is gone. It's only me. Thank you for calling me beautiful, though. Matt, I'm going to throw it back over to you, buddy.

Speaker 3:

All right. Um, okay, well, uh, we want to say thank you to our guests, um, very much for being on the show and enduring the abuse that is this, uh, but, uh, we wanted to give you guys a chance, of course, to, uh, let us know where people can find you, uh, some of the, any of the stuff you're working on currently and absolutely shamelessly plugged yourself in. Uh, and then we will shamelessly kick you the hell off this podcast. So please, uh, let's go ahead and, uh, start with Tommy. You can start us out.

Speaker 8:

You could find me on Tik TOK, Twitter, Instagram. Uh, you could find all those links on my website. That is www.tommyestradavo.com.

Speaker 3:

Awesome. And Carla, beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So you can find me on, uh, Carlo talks too much if you want something a little bit more laid back. Uh, I'm producing a different account that is mainly focused on narration, um, uh, human voices only kind of thing. And uh, that is at Henry Barlow. with an e. That's Henry Barlow with an e.


On TikTok. That's a long ass title, but all right. Hey listen,

Speaker 2:

not with an e. I would have just left it Henry Barlow, but. Listen, listen. Barlow just Henry Barlow. Listen, you know, I'm not going to let you, I'm not going to let you put me in this cage. I'm not going to let you back me into this corner because I'm a, I'm a lion and I will attack. You understand? Mr.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Limey bollocks over here with a bottle of water on the bed end.

Speaker 3:

Love you guys. You know, I'm getting a whole bunch of, uh, uh, like a two day old kitten kind of ferociousness from you, Carlo. So, yeah. That was a really good noise. All right, on that note, uh, Connor, let's, let's kick our guests the hell off of this show. We've had enough.



Speaker 3:

guys so much for having us. You take Tommy.


Guys, it's been awful. I've hated every second of it and I can't wait for this to end.

Speaker 3:

Catch you never. Uh, so we did want to say one more big happy birthday to Carlo. Yes. Thank you for spending it with


us. Uh, I hope we were able to provide just a little bit of entertainment to you. Uh, and hopefully one day you can provide us with some entertainment. Who knows? Yeah. Anyway, Matt. It's a stretch. It's a stretch. Uh, what have you got coming up, buddy?

Speaker 3:

Uh, lots of stuff. So one, uh, uh, number one thing currently that I'm working on, uh, is always going to be Bewilder Biscuit Productions, uh, and our anime comics. Uh, uh, don't which I am a part of they say things weird over there and they don't understand. So, uh in in america Beholder biscuit, uh in britain, I guess compute cookies. I I don't know. Uh, it is bewilder biscuit globally Uh, we do animated comics Uh, please check us out at bewilder biscuit. com and you can see all the wonderful projects We're currently working on and some future projects which uh this Okay person, uh, that I do this podcast with, uh, may or may not be a part of a project coming up who plays a very annoying, pompous, asshole, spoiled British kid. So it's perfect for Connor. He was, he was, uh, he was absolutely born for it. Um, uh, all joking aside, that is Murder Most Mundane coming up soon. Connor is an absolute part of that project. It's gonna be hilarious. So look out for that coming soon and some other big projects dropping. Uh, we are, uh, of course doing the, did you say something podcast? This will be coming to you for the foreseeable future until. Uh, Connor and I get cancelled. Uh, which Poor Matt dies of old age, which is,

Speaker 11:

you know It

Speaker 3:

is right around the corner, yes. It's coming close, yes. This is just for men. Uh, and worse than worse than Carlos Salt and Pepper. Uh, anyway,


so It's actually stick on,

Speaker 3:

he's lost the ability to wear hair because he's that old. His hair follicles His hair follicles have died. It's still old. It's just dead. This is all makeup. I have no, I have no melanin, What's up weekend at Bernie's? Yes. They get me up with the sunglasses. Some pieces behind the scenes, like, yes, I'll be here. Uh, so we have, uh, some other things going on is there's another podcast coming that will be coming from Bewilder Biscuit Productions called Biscuits and Books, where we'll talk all things comic books and have special guests on and things like that. Uh, and I am. I have opened up a merch shop with my wife called Interface Broken. Uh, we do provide merch to everybody, all companies, uh, authors, uh, all the way up to sports companies, jerseys, uh, anything you can think of. We are, we are making a custom for you. So check us out at interfacebroken. com and we can, uh, help you out with any needs you have there.


And yeah, that also means, uh, dis merch. So be on the lookout for that. We, we have plans. We have some good

Speaker 3:

plans. Yes. Yes. Great segue there. There are a few shirts already in concept, uh, there are stickers actually being made today. Uh, you do tell me that. Oh, that was surprising news for you, sir, for the first episode is I will be, uh, shipping you off your own dis t-shirt, uh, and some stickers and some merch coming our way so that we can look presentable on our own podcast. Uh, so coming to put in the chat. It's not dad merch. It's dis merch. It is dis merch. That's pretty good. It's not that merch. It's dis merch. Uh, yes. Dis is the adequately put acronym for our, uh, for our podcast. Yes. Uh, Connor Lewis, I'm going to kick it back over to you. Good sir. Uh, what do you have going on currently and what's coming soon?


Yeah, I'm chasing all of the squirrels. Um, what have I got going on? Uh, audio book recordings, uh, murder, most mundane recordings. Um, I have. I have a project with the Hellscape coming up. Um, I have recorded my stuff. I have sent it off, waiting for that to, to go on. Um, I need to record lines for, uh, Pandemic, which is, um, a dramatization coming from David Parker Ross from his Perceptions series. Uh, we did a table read of that the other day and it was pretty good fun. It was a lot of fucking fun, not gonna lie. It's an incredibly Talented people working on that. Um, so yes, look out for that. I think we're looking at September for a release because David said that he's got a couple books that need to release first for it all to make sense and avoid some spoilers and all that good stuff. But that is coming. And I'm very excited for that because that's a lot of fun. Uh, I also have bite of time and audio drama, uh, coming up. Um, so for those of you that have checked out any of my work, Last Man on Mars on Spotify, uh, was an audio drama written and produced by Spencer Brown, who, uh, also did the title music for our show. Shout out to Spencer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, uh, Spencer's music's great. Uh, we do also want to shout out Celtic Blue to you for our artwork, uh, that you will see. Yes, of course. On our podcast as well. Uh, we will have Spencer on, we will have Tanya on as well. And some other guests. So make sure that you stay tuned, uh, to the disc podcast, wherever you listen to your podcasts. Uh, we will be out soon with a new episode. So, uh, stay tuned and we will diss you later. Diss you later. It's


my birthday too, you know, guys, you deserve no recognition. Guys, did

Speaker 6:

you say something guys for fuck's sake.